Statistics can be used to generate detailed information on the number of calls made during the hour, day, month etc. It can also be shown on the extension basis, meaning that when you enter all the desired search information, you will get a list with the number of calls per extension on the system.
Daily statistics will list the number of calls on a daily basis. This will show a list of days with the number of calls that were made during those days with average call time and graphs.
- Date range:
Users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Range:
Select a date range by clicking on a calendar or choose the following options:
- Today
- Yesterday
- Last 7 Days
- Last 30 Days
- This Month
After selecting, users will be introduced with the statistics which include only that range of time.
- From
In this field, users need to write a number from which the desired call is made. By default, the ‘ALL’ modifier will be in this field, meaning statistics will be made for all calls on the system which happened on the selected date range.
If users want to see statistics from a few particular numbers, they should write all desired numbers separated by commas.
(E.g. To display calls made from extension 104 and remote number 44207296666 user should type "104,44207296666")
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for a number which is equal to number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Equals’ and types number 101. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from number 101.)
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all numbers which begin with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Begins with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers 1011 and 105. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that begin with number 101, in this case from numbers 101 and 1011.)
- Contains
Do a statistic for all numbers which contain number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Contains’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers 1011, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that contain number 101, in this case from numbers 1011 and 2101.)
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all numbers which end with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Ends with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers: 1101, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that end with number 101, in this case from numbers 1101 and 2101.)
- To
In this field users need to write the number to which the desired call is made. By default, the ‘ALL’ modifier will be in this field, meaning statistics will be made for all calls on the system which happened on the selected date range.
If users want to see statistics from a few particular numbers, they should write all desired numbers separated by commas.
(E.g. To display calls made to extension 104 and remote number 44207296666 user should type "104,44207296666")
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for a number which is equal to number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Equals’ and types number 101. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to number 101.)
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all numbers which begin with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Begins with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers 1011 and 105. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to numbers that begin with number 101, in this case to numbers 101 and 1011.)
- Contains
Do a statistic for all numbers which contain number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Contains’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers 1011, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be
shown only for calls made to numbers that contain number 101, in this case to numbers 1011 and 2101.)
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all numbers which end with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Ends with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers: 1101, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to numbers that end with number 101, in this case to numbers 1101 and 2101.)
- CallerID
Filter statistics based on the CallerID.
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do a statistics only for CallerID which is equal to CallerID written.
- Begins with
Do a statistics for all CallerID’s which beginning letters are the same as in CallerID written in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that start with “Tech”, for example, “TechSupport”)
- Contains
Do a statistics for all CallerID’s which contain the same letters as in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that start with “Tech”, for example, “TechSupport”, “TestTechDepartment”)
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all CallerID’s which ending letters are the same as CallerID written in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that end with “Tech”, for example, “TestTech”)
- Trunk
Show the calls filtered on a trunk basis. Enter a trunk name or more trunk names separated by commas.
Also, users are given 2 drop-down lists with the following options:
First list:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for trunk whose name is equal to the name written.
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all trunks whose name begin with name written.
- Contains
Do a statistic for all trunks which contain name written.
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all trunk which end with the name written.
Second list:
Select the technology of the outgoing trunk:
- Local
- Duration
In these fields, you can set a range for the duration of the calls in seconds.
Both fields can be modified depending on selected equality signs:
- > (greater than)
- >= (greater than or equal to)
- == (equal to)
- <= (less than or equal to)
- < (less than)
(E.g. If the user wants to see statistics of calls that last more than 15, but less than 45 seconds, in the first field there will be “>” and “15” set, and in the second “<” and “45”.)
The Download CSV option is used to download a CSV formatted file with all of the statistics shown on this page.
Daily Statistics
This table will show the total number of calls per day in the date range selected in the search box.
Clickable date for which the total number of calls is shown
Total time of calls on that particular day
Total number of calls made on that particular day
Average call time of the calls on that particular day
This field shows the graphic representation of all calls on that day, relative to the day that had the biggest total call time. The day which had the biggest total call time will have a 100% bar filling this field and every other day will have a bar relative to this day.
The TOTAL line on the bottom of the table will show the total times of all calls in this date range, the total number of calls of all calls, and the average call time of all calls in this date range.
Daily Statistics Breakdown
Clicking on any day of daily statistics will bring up a new window with a breakdown of calls for that range.
- Date/Time
Date and time when the call was made.
- Trunk
Name of the trunk which was used for the call.
- From
The extension number from which the call was made.
- CallerID
CallerID of the user who made the call.
- To
The extension/external number to which the call was made.
- Duration
Duration of the call
The Download CSV option is used to download the CSV formatted file with all calls in the breakdown.
This will show a list of months with the number of calls that were made during the selected period.
Clicking on the "Advanced Search" button will expand the above search and give users more criteria to choose from:
- Date range:
Users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Range:
Select a date range by clicking on a calendar or choose the following options:
- Today
- Yesterday
- Last 7 Days
- Last 30 Days
- This Month
After selecting, users will be introduced with the statistics which include only that range of time.
- From
In this field, users need to write a number from which the desired call is made. By default, the ‘ALL’ modifier will be in this field, meaning statistics will be made for all calls on the system which happened on the selected date range.
If users want to see statistics from a few particular numbers, they should write all desired numbers separated by commas.
(E.g. To display calls made from extension 104 and remote number 44207296666 user should type "104,44207296666")
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for a number which is equal to number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Equals’ and types number 101. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from number 101.)
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all numbers which begin with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Begins with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers 1011 and 105. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that begin with number 101, in this case from numbers 101 and 1011.)
- Contains
Do a statistic for all numbers which contain number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Contains’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers 1011, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that contain number 101, in this case from numbers 1011 and 2101.)
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all numbers which end with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Ends with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers: 1101, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that end with number 101, in this case from numbers 1101 and 2101.)
- To
In this field users need to write the number to which the desired call is made. By default, the ‘ALL’ modifier will be in this field, meaning statistics will be made for all calls on the system which happened on the selected date range.
If users want to see statistics from a few particular numbers, they should write all desired numbers separated by commas.
(E.g. To display calls made to extension 104 and remote number 44207296666 user should type "104,44207296666")
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for a number which is equal to number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Equals’ and types number 101. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to number 101.)
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all numbers which begin with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Begins with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers 1011 and 105. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to numbers that begin with number 101, in this case to numbers 101 and 1011.)
- Contains
Do a statistic for all numbers which contain number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Contains’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers 1011, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be
shown only for calls made to numbers that contain number 101, in this case to numbers 1011 and 2101.)
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all numbers which end with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Ends with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers: 1101, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to numbers that end with number 101, in this case to numbers 1101 and 2101.)
- CallerID
Filter statistics based on the CallerID.
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do statistics only for CallerID which is equal to CallerID written.
- Begins with
Do statistics for all CallerID’s which beginning letters are the same as in CallerID written in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that start with “Tech”, for example, “TechSupport”)
- Contains
Do statistics for all CallerID’s which contain the same letters as in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that start with “Tech”, for example, “TechSupport”, “TestTechDepartment”)
- Ends with
Do statistics for all CallerID’s which ending letters are the same as CallerID written in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that end with “Tech”, for example, “TestTech”)
- Trunk
Show the calls filtered on a trunk basis. Enter a trunk name or more trunk names separated by commas.
Also, users are given 2 drop-down lists with the following options:
First list:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for trunk whose name is equal to the name written.
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all trunks whose name begin with a name written.
- Contains
Do a statistic for all trunks which contain name written.
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all trunk which end with the name written.
Second list:
Select the technology of the outgoing trunk:
- Local
- Duration
In these fields, you can set a range for the duration of the calls in seconds.
Both fields can be modified depending on selected equality signs:
- > (greater than)
- >= (greater than or equal to)
- == (equal to)
- <= (less than or equal to)
- < (less than)
(E.g. If the user wants to see statistics of calls that last more than 15, but less than 45 seconds, in the first field there will be “>” and “15” set, and in the second “<” and “45”.)
The Download CSV option is used to download the CSV formatted file with all the statistics shown on this page.
Monthly Statistics
This table will show the total number of calls per day in the date range selected in the search box.
Clickable date for which the total number of calls is shown
Total time of calls on that particular day
Total number of calls made on that particular day
Average call time of the calls on that particular day
This field shows the graphic representation of all calls on that day, relative to the day that had the biggest total call time. The day which had the biggest total call time will have a 100% bar filling this field and every other day will have a bar relative to this day.
Monthly Statistics Breakdown
Clicking on "Call Statistics Monthly" will bring up a new window with a detailed breakdown of calls for every day of selected period.
- Date/Time
Date and time when the call was made.
- Trunk
Name of the trunk which was used for the call.
- From
The extension number from which the call was made.
- CallerID
CallerID of the user who made the call.
- To
The extension/external number to which the call was made.
- Duration
Duration of the call
The Download CSV option is used to download the CSV formatted file with all calls in the breakdown.
Extension statistics will list the number of calls per extension. This will show a list of extensions with the number of calls that were made during the chosen period of time (answered and unanswered), duration of the calls, total call time, average call time and graphs.
Clicking on the “Show Advanced Options” will expand searching criteria and the following will be listed to users:
Extensions Advanced
- Date range:
Users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Range:
Select a date range by clicking on a calendar or choose the following options:
- Today
- Yesterday
- Last 7 Days
- Last 30 Days
- This Month
After selecting, users will be introduced with the statistics which include only that range of time.
- Compare:
Select whether the statistics will show calls dialed from selected (or all) extension(s) or calls received to extension(s).
- From
In this field, users need to write a number from which the desired call is made. By default, the ‘ALL’ modifier will be in this field, meaning statistics will be made for all calls on the system which happened on the selected date range.
If users want to see statistics from a few particular numbers, they should write all desired numbers separated by commas.
(E.g. To display calls made from extension 104 and remote number 44207296666 user should type "104,44207296666")
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for a number which is equal to number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Equals’ and types number 101. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from number 101.)
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all numbers which begin with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Begins with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers 1011 and 105. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that begin with number 101, in this case from numbers 101 and 1011.)
- Contains
Do a statistic for all numbers which contain number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Contains’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers 1011, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that contain number 101, in this case from numbers 1011 and 2101.)
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all numbers which end with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Ends with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls from numbers: 1101, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made from numbers that end with number 101, in this case from numbers 1101 and 2101.)
- To
In this field users need to write the number to which the desired call is made. By default, the ‘ALL’ modifier will be in this field, meaning statistics will be made for all calls on the system which happened on the selected date range.
If users want to see statistics from a few particular numbers, they should write all desired numbers separated by commas.
(E.g. To display calls made to extension 104 and remote number 44207296666 user should type "104,44207296666")
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for a number which is equal to number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Equals’ and types number 101. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to number 101.)
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all numbers which begin with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Begins with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers 1011 and 105. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to numbers that begin with number 101, in this case to numbers 101 and 1011.)
- Contains
Do a statistic for all numbers which contain number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Contains’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers 1011, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be
shown only for calls made to numbers that contain number 101, in this case to numbers 1011 and 2101.)
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all numbers which end with number/s written.
(E.g. John sets this option to ‘Ends with’ and types number 101. Let’s imagine that John made calls to numbers: 1101, 2101 and 501. Statistics will be shown only for calls made to numbers that end with number 101, in this case to numbers 1101 and 2101.)
- CallerID
Filter statistics based on the CallerID.
Also, users are given a drop-down list with the following options:
- Equals
Do statistics only for CallerID which is equal to CallerID written.
- Begins with
Do statistics for all CallerID’s which beginning letters are the same as in CallerID written in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that start with “Tech”, for example, “TechSupport”)
- Contains
Do statistics for all CallerID’s which contain the same letters as in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that start with “Tech”, for example, “TechSupport”, “TestTechDepartment”)
- Ends with
Do statistics for all CallerID’s which ending letters are the same as CallerID written in the field beside.
(E.g. John chooses this option and types “Tech”. Statistic will be done for all CallerID’s that end with “Tech”, for example, “TestTech”)
- Trunk
Show the calls filtered on a trunk basis. Enter a trunk name or more trunk names separated by commas.
Also, users are given 2 drop-down lists with the following options:
First list:
- Equals
Do a statistic only for trunk whose name is equal to the name written.
- Begins with
Do a statistic for all trunks whose name begin with the name written.
- Contains
Do a statistic for all trunks which contain name written.
- Ends with
Do a statistic for all trunk which end with the name written.
Second list:
Select the technology of the outgoing trunk:
- Local
- Duration
In these fields, you can set a range for the duration of the calls in seconds.
Both fields can be modified depending on selected equality signs:
- > (greater than)
- >= (greater than or equal to)
- == (equal to)
- <= (less than or equal to)
- < (less than)
(E.g. If the user wants to see statistics of calls that last more than 15, but less than 45 seconds, in the first field there will be “>” and “15” set, and in the second “<” and “45”.)
The Download CSV option is used to download a CSV formatted file with all of the statistics shown on this page.
Extensions Statistics
This table will show a list of extensions with the number of calls that were made during the chosen period of time (answered and unanswered), duration of the calls, total call time, average call time and graphs.
- From
Extension from which the calls were made.
- Date
The clickable date for which the total number of calls is shown
- Total Calls
Total number of calls made on that particular day
- Answered
Total number of answered calls for this extension
- Unanswered
Total number of unanswered calls for this extension
- Duration < min
Total number of calls for this extension with call duration less than a minute
- Total time
Total talk time of calls.
- Average Call Time
Average call time.
This field shows a graphic representation of all calls on that day, relative to the day that had the biggest total call time. The day which had the biggest total call time will have a 100% bar filling this field and every other day will have a bar relative to this day.
Clicking on a row of a particular extension will list the information of the number of calls separated by the dates on which they were made.
The Download CSV option is used to download a CSV formatted file with all of the statistics shown on this page.
Extension Statistics Breakdown
After clicking on this field, the user will be sent to the pop-up window which contains Call Statistics Extensions Breakdown, meaning here the user will have access to more information about every call made in a selected range of time.
- Date/Time
Date and time when the call was made.
- Trunk
Name of the trunk which was used for the call.
- From
The extension number from which the call was made.
- CallerID
CallerID of the user who made the call.
- To
The extension/external number to which the call was made.
- Duration
Duration of the call
The Download CSV option is used to download the CSV formatted file with all calls in the breakdown.