CDR displays detailed records of all calls on the current tenant with the following details:
- From:
Extension number from which the call was made.
(E.g. If the call was made from extension 1001 to extension 1004, '1001' is displayed here).
NOTE: Users can now search anonymous calls simply by entering 'anonymous' in the From field and then the query will display anonymous results only.
- To:
Extension number to which the call was made.
(E.g. If call was made from extension 1001 to extension 1004, '1004' is displayed here).
- Date/Time:
Date and Time when the call was made
(E.g. 04 Oct 2006 10:44:10)
- Duration:
Call duration time in hh:mm:ss format.
(E.g. 00:12:45)
- Call Rating:
Time billed by the system.
(E.g. 00:12:45)
- Cost:
Cost of the call (E.g. 1.34)
- Status:
Displays the call status.
Depending on whether a call was answered or not, this field value may have the following content:
- Answered
- Not Answered
- Busy
- Error
- This icon is displayed once a call is recorded and 'Delete' or 'Listen' enhanced service is active.
- This is a box used with the CDR commands to select a desired call
Remote Playback
For recordings offloaded to certain services using Archiving Storage there is the option to listen to or download those recordings from this page. Those recordings behave similarly to normal call recordings with the exception being that they can not be deleted. Each service supporting this feature is represented by an icon:
- Amazon S3
- Google Drive
- Start Date:
Select a Search/Filter start date.
(E.g. Click on the small 'Calendar' icon next to a field and select desired date)
- End Date:
Select a Search/Filter end date.
(E.g. Click on the small 'Calendar' icon next to a field and select the desired date)
- From:
Select whether you want to search CDRs by Destination(s) or Trunk from where the call got in.
(E.g. Destination(s) or Trunks)
- To:
This field points to a Destination(s) or Trunk for which you are searching.
(E.g. Trunk)
- ID:
CDRs can now be filtered by 2 different types of IDs. First is Unique ID, and by filtering with this one you get the same functionality as before (set by default).
By clicking the blue "#" sign right to the "ID" label you change the type of ID to Linked ID. Filtering CDRs with this type of ID will get you all CDRs that are "linked" to the selected one and you will be able a call flow where the selected CDR is included.
(E.g. 1221447123.66)
- Start Time
When searching for CDRs this is the start time on the Start Date.
(E.g. Time in hh:mm:ss format like 10:15:30)
- End Time
When searching for CDRs this is the end time on the End Date,
(E.g. Time in hh:mm:ss format like 15:20:30)
- From
If you chose Destination(s) in the From Select box, you will enter the extension from which the call came. If your selection was Trunk, you will have a Select box in this place where you can choose a trunk on the system from which the call came.
- Destination(s) - 1009
- Trunk - Sales
- To
Here you will enter number of the destination or select a trunk in which the call ended up.
(E.g. 1007)
- Status:
Search calls by selecting desired call status.
Click on a 'Please Select' button and select one of the available fields:
- All
- Answered
- Not Answered
- Busy
- Error
(Select box)
- Additional search options:
- Show rated calls only
Users can choose to have only those calls with a cost displayed in the report. If this option is not selected, then the report will feature ALL calls.
NOTE: The above can be done in Online Self Care as well with the same options.
After making any changes to the search filter, be sure to click the search icon.
- Listen:
Once the 'Listen' icon is displayed next to a call record it means that the specific call was recorded.
(E.g. To play recorded calls, check the box next to a 'Listen' icon and click 'Listen'. Browser will prompt you to open the sound file in your favorite audio player or to download the sound file).
To establish a call between two extensions, all you need to provide is the caller $EXTENSION number and the $DESTINATION extension.
- Caller
Extension that will make a call.
Provide any extension number here, 1001, for example
- Destination:
Destination extension that will be dialed by the 'Caller' extension.
(E.g. To select a destination extension, first check the box next to a CDR record. This field will display two extensions listed under 'From' and 'Destination' selected record)
TIP: After setting 'Caller' and 'Destination' extensions, click the call icon.
Check the box next to a call record and click the 'Print' button. This action will open a new pop-up window with the printing interface.
Click on the 'Email' button to send all reports listed on a page or select a box next to a report and click the 'Email' button to send only selected ones
Provide an E-mail address where the report is to be sent and click on the 'OK' button to proceed or 'Cancel' to abort the email action
Press 'OK' to email all CDR records on the current page (even if they are not selected) or click 'Cancel' to print selected records only
Finally, press the 'OK' button to confirm an email action or 'Cancel' to abort the email action
CLIR (Command Line Interface Record) details
Select a desired call record and click this button to view more technical details about the call. A small popup window will open with the data.
NOTE: When experiencing any kind of unexplained problems, this is the data you need to send to the technical support team
(Command Button)
CLIR report has been improved to show when the channels limit defined in the license is exceeded, the CLIR will show the exact numbers ( current > max ).
E-mail CLIR page option enables you to send the current CLIR to desired e-mail address
Delete Recording
- Delete Recording:
Deletes recorded calls.
NOTE: For this command to be displayed, the appropriate enhanced service has to be set.
(E.g. Select a recorded call and click this button to delete it from the file system)
Download CSV
- Download CSV:
Download data as a .csv (Comma Separated Value) file.
(E.g. Click this button to download the .csv file to your desktop)
CDR Summary
Create a CDR summary report for a selected period of time.
- Date Range:
Select a Search/Filter start date
(E.g. Click on the small 'Calendar' icon next to a field and select the desired date)
- Group by:
Group results by selecting the desired period.
Click on the field and select one of the available options:
- Whole range
- Quarterly
- Monthly
- Yearly
- Accountcode:
SFilter results per accountcode.
(E.g. 101)
CDR settings
Please provide a number in the 'Records per page' field.
- Records per page:
Number of records displayed per page.
(E.g. When on the 'Reports: CDR' page, and this option is set to '16', the last 16 call records will be displayed. On the bottom there is a 'Page' field. Type a page number, e.g. '2', and click the 'GO' button to display the next 16 call records)
Auto Provisioning
This page displays auto provisioning logs for those UADs which are being registered on the system.
The page will show 9 columns as follows:
- 1. Tenant: Tenant number or "-". The "-" sign means that it was not possible to know from which tenant the request came
- 2. Date: Date/Time record of when the request came
- 3. User Agent: UA string exactly as written in the request
- 4. IP Address: Country Flag (if possible to determine) + IP Address of the request sender
- 5. MAC Address: Phone MAC address
- 6. Protocol: HTTP, HTTPS or TFTP
- 7. URI: The URI that was requested
- 8. Status: 200, 401, 403, 404, 500
- 9. Message: A message describing the status in more details
The logs can be filtered by Tenant, Date, Protocol, Status and a search input which will try to match the UA, IP, MAC and URI.