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How to: Speed Dial
Global Speed Dials
Global Speed Dials can be uploaded in the admin portal. These can then be dialed with any device.
Please navigate to the Settings tab > Speed Dial.
To upload a list on Speed Dials, please download the template first by clicking Download CSV Template.
Column 1: Code- Speed Dial Code (ex: 100)
Column 2: Name - Name of the Speed Dial (Aline Phones)
Column 3: Destination - Telephone Number (ex: 567-803-0327)
To dial a Speed Dial code, please dial *130 followed by the Speed Dial code. (ex. Dial *130100 for Speed Dial code 100). Access codes can be changed under the Settings tab > Access Codes
Local Speed Dials (Communicator Desktop app)
Local Speed Dials can be added to each user's Communicator app. These can only be dialed using the Communicator desktop app. Please navigate to Tools > Preferences > Phone > Speed dial.
Speed Dial codes here can be directly dialed. (ex. Dial 1 for Speed Dial code 1)
Yealink Speed Dials
1. Get the phone's IP address by pressing the OK button > IPv4 > 2. Open a browser and enter the IP address on the address bar to access the GUI. 3. Enter admin as the username and blitz as the default password. 4. Go to the DSSKey tab. 5. Choose the line key where you want to configure the speed dial. 6. Change the Type to Speed Dial. 7. Enter the intended Extension number or phone number on the Value field. 8. Enter the name of the person or phone on the Label field. 9. Click Confirm.
Note: Factory resetting your phone will remove Yealink Speed Dials if the configuration is not backed up. Please follow the steps below to ensure Aline has the latest configauation for your Yealink:
1. Get the phone's IP address by pressing the OK button > IPv4 >
2. Open a browser and enter the IP address on the address bar to access the GUI. 3. Enter admin as the username and blitz as the default password.
4. Go to Settings tab.
5. Under CFG Configuration >Export CFG Configuration File > All Settings > Export
Global Speed Dials
Global Speed Dials can be uploaded in the admin portal. These can then be dialed with any device.
To upload a list on Speed Dials, please download the template first by clicking Download CSV Template.
Column 1: Code - Speed Dial Code (ex: 100)
Column 2: Name - Name of the Speed Dial (Aline Phones)
Column 3: Destination - Telephone Number (ex: 567-803-0327)
To dial a Speed Dial code, please dial *130 followed by the Speed Dial code. (ex. Dial *130100 for Speed Dial code 100). Access codes can be changed under the Settings tab > Access Codes
Local Speed Dials (Communicator Desktop app)
Local Speed Dials can be added to each user's Communicator app. These can only be dialed using the Communicator desktop app. Please navigate to Tools > Preferences > Phone > Speed dial.
Yealink Speed Dials
1. Get the phone's IP address by pressing the OK button > IPv4 > Open a browser and enter the IP address on the address bar to access the GUI.
3. Enter admin as the username and blitz as the default password.
4. Go to the DSSKey tab.
5. Choose the line key where you want to configure the speed dial.
6. Change the Type to Speed Dial.
7. Enter the intended Extension number or phone number on the Value field.
8. Enter the name of the person or phone on the Label field.
9. Click Confirm.
3. Enter admin as the username and blitz as the default password.