The Salesforce Integration allows for the following features:
- Automatic Call Logging: All calls are automatically time and date stamped within the customer lead. A recording of the discussion is available for automatic posting within the lead as well.
- Call Popup: When a client calls in, the customer lead will automatically populate.
1. Login to the web portal at with an admin account
2. Navigate to CRM -> Integration
3. Login to your Salesforce account. Then, navigate to the setup page
4. Navigate to the App Manager located under Platform Tools
5. Create a New Connected App
6. Enter at least the required Basic Information. An example is below.
7. Configure the API
- Enable OAuth Settings
- Enter the Callback URL with your unique prefix. Your prefix is located in your web browser's URL.
- Enable Full access under the Selected OAuth Scopes
- Click Save to create the connected app
8. Configure your CRM as shown below
- Enter the Consumer Key and Secret found on your new Salesforce connected app
- Enter the Login URL:
- Enable your preferred settings
9. Open the Communicator app. Navigate to Tools -> Preferences -> Modules -> CRM
10. Enable CRM integration. Enable the options you prefer. Finally, enter the username and password+token for your Salesforce account.
- Example:
- Username:
- Password: Password123
- Token: AHDB
- New Password: Password123AHDB
11. To locate your personal token:
- Navigate to your personal settings
- Under My Personal Information, select Reset My Security Token
- Reset Security Token will then email over the new token