Transferring with the Communicator Desktop App:
1. When on a call, select the Transfer button.
2. A new window will appear. From here, you can transfer to a user, any phone number inside or outside your company, a queue, another ongoing call, or your other phones (desk phone, mobile).
Transferring with a Yealink Phone:
- Press Transfer while on a call.
- Enter the extension you want to transfer to (ex: 1000).
- Press Send to call the extension (callee will still be on hold) or Blind Transfer (B Transfer) to transfer the call immediately.
- Now, press Swap to continue the original conversation and swap between the 2 calls,
OR, press Conference to talk with all parties,
OR, press Transfer to end your call and transfer the call to the extension.
Transferring with the Communicator Mobile App:
1. When on a call, select Options.
2. From the new screen (shown below), the user can select Transfer Call
3. The user can select a contact from their directory list to transfer to or simply type in a telephone number in the box provided.